Look, I'm not saying I'm hot or anything but I get hit on a lot. Everywhere I go I get asked for my number, my address and one guy even wanted me to get in his car to 'try out the back seat'. Yeah, right stud! But I've never heard a pickup line like I got from one guy this afternoon as I was standing in line at the gas station.

The Pickup Line

I was just standing in line ready to pay for my Monster (low-carb of course) and my ten dollars of unleaded regular when this strange, but cute, guy comes up behind me and says, "What if I told you I know how to win the lottery?"

The Lottery Is a Scam

I laughed, of course. I mean, come on. I need money but I'm not about to play the lottery. It's just a scam, right? But this guy was serious. I laughed in his face and kind of felt bad right away because he remained so stoned face. He just smiled and said, "If I can prove that I know how to win the lottery, I want a kiss."

I laughed again. Now, even if this guy wasn't cute, which he was, I wasn't about to kiss him in a gas station. I wouldn't even kiss a stranger in a bar. What if he had the herps? Nope, I don't play that.

But he was so serious and I was so intrigued at this point (plus I was holding up the line), so I said ok. I would let him kiss me if he played the lottery and won.

Buying The Lottery Tickets

So this guy, being the gentleman, let me go first to pay for my things. Then I waited while I watched him pay the cashier and he walked back over to me with a few scratch-offs. Then, he walked past me and stood outside with a penny, vigorously scratching the tickets off.

I went outside watching him closely. I didn't want him switching the tickets on me. When he was finished, he didn't even look at them. He just handed them over.

As I accepted them out of his hands, I realized why he went outside to do his scratching. Those tickets made quite a mess. I made sure not to get any of the shavings on my clothes (they're expensive!) and I carefully looked over the tickets.

I looked them over carefully and then I looked them over again. I couldn't believe it. He won $1200! I literally jumped into his arms and I kissed him. He didn't switch the tickets, I was sure of it. He bought them, brought them over and won, just like he said he would.

Learn How to Win the Lottery

This guy, he turned out to be my boyfriend. Well, one of them anyway. I found out how he won the lottery, too. He bought a book called The Lotto Black Book.

I know. I didn't believe it, either. But this book is the real deal. I know because I went to the site after this guy, John, told me about it. The book is written by a math whiz who actually got shot for his secrets on how to win the lottery guaranteed.

Two Free Chapters

But what really solidified the fact that the book works with me is that there are two free chapters being offered on the site right now. If The Lotto Black Book were a scam, they'd hardly give away two free chapters.

The bottom line is that I got picked up with a stupid pickup line that I am not ashamed to admit worked. I mean, my dude learned how to win the lottery and now I know the secrets, too.

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由 Blogger 於 11/06/2012 01:06:00 上午 張貼在 About Oz Lotto Instructions Everything.

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